26 June 2013

Warnemunde, Germany

Warnemunde, Germany is a small town filled with tall ships and little German shops along the water. It was gorgeous and sunny again today so I grabbed my camera with my 85mm lens and wandered off to find interesting things to take photos of. My new inspiration lately is taking 'detail' photos of the ports we go to. There are so many typical touristy shots of the cathedrals, canals and local shops that I've decided to try to take up close shots around towns. Here are a few that I took in Warnemunde!

Across the main bridge to cross the canal into town there is a chain with locks attached. The idea is to write the name of you and your love on the lock, lock it to the chain, and throw the key into the canal or river below. Read all about Love Locks on wiki.
Love Locks - Warnemunde, Germany

As I wandered around town trying to find the post office, I stumbled upon this little fountain with a procession of tiny statues. Each figure is only about 8 inches tall. The sign and description were all in German, so needless to say I was not able to understand what the symbolism behind it were.


Entrance to the Harbour - Port Light House, Warnemunde, Germany
As I was practicing getting used to focusing with my manual 85mm lens I happened to take this shot of a seagull about to take flight.

Seagull - Warnemunde, Germany
Starboard Light House - Warnemunde, Germany

Detail of Rope - Warnemunde, Germany
Warnemunde Boat - Warnemunde, Germany
This was a really quaint town and I'm excited to go back there in a few weeks time and find more pictures!
Stay tuned for Tallinn, Estonia!

The Little Mermaid

When I saw the swan come into my view finder on my camera I immediately thought of the Greek story of Zeus and Leda (the mother of Helen of Troy). Basically the story goes that Zeus saw Leda bathing in a river or lake or some body of water. He fancied her and he turned himself into a swan to approach her... I don't think I need to finish the story... lol but the end result was Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman (according to the Iliad)

Well that story popped into my head so this is my Artistic Expression of Leda and Zeus.  

The Little Mermaid - Copenhagen, Denmark

17 June 2013

Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark.
It was a beautiful sunny day and I got off the ship in the evening to walk towards the harbour and find someplace to have a bite to eat. We passed the Little Mermaid on the way... One of the biggest tourist attractions of Copenhagen. She's a really small life-size statue sitting on a rock near the shore. 
The Little Mermaid - Copenhagen, Denmark

We continued walking... There were a number of interesting statues all over Copenhagen, hidden in strange nooks and crannies.



This is where the Royal Family lives. We were walking through and the square was almost empty outside the palace. They also had guards patrolling the grounds wearing ridiculous large fur hats.
Finally after about 40 mins of walking we reached our destination. A canal with sailboats lining it and plenty of restaurants in the sun.

We spent a long time just enjoying the food, sun and company. Eventually the sun began to set and we walked back to the ship. :)

Hope you enjoyed these photos! I have one more that I am working on of the Little Mermaid. I'll post that when I have it edited. We are going to be sailing about the United Kingdom for the next two weeks. I'm excited to return to Ireland! My Next post will be about Warnemunde Germany! Stay Tuned.