19 May 2012


A new season of digging is about to commence in a couple of days. Most of the group has already arrived. This morning they got on a bus headed to the Amman Citadel for the first part of the day. I decided to stay behind and spend my birthday poolside, sipping a coke and soaking up the sun :)

It looks like we have a great group this year, a few returning veterans and a number of fresh new faces ready to brave the sun, dirt and dust! (I'm sure the novelty will quickly wear off for them as soon as the heat of the desert scorches their skin and their sore muscles make it difficult to sleep at night, but I won't burst their bubble just yet).. lol

The wireless at the hotel is much improved this year than last so I will hopefully be bringing you daily updates.

Now off to the pool :)


P.S. Happy Birthday Dad!!


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