26 May 2012

Well, once again the internet is not allowing me to post pictures.

I promise, as soon as I can I will get a visual to you!!

My Square:
We have discovered a wall running North-South in Square W2 in the NE Quadrant. This was a very unexpected discovery and it seems as though this wall pre-dates the wall of the reservoir. On Friday, my team and I removed the East balk of the SE Quadrant from Square W5 to see the connection between the reservoir wall and the wall found in W2. It seems that the smaller wall was cut when the reservoir was built, however we did not have enough time to expose more of the smaller wall, so this is speculation at this point. We will know more on Monday.

The pottery which we are finding in my square is mostly all Early Bronze Age pottery. This is dating to the time of Abraham. We are thinking this might be due to what is called 'Reversed Stratigraphy' - that is when the reservoir was built, the builders filled in the surrounding architecture with dirt. When you fill in a hole from a pile of dirt what ends up happening is the stuff that was on the top of the pile ends up at the bottom of the hole and vice versa. Since we are finding EB pottery at the top of the square, we are thinking this might be the explanation. But - time will tell!!

The Field:
Most of the rest of the field is still just digging away. However, it looks as though Square W11 has found the continuation of the reservoir wall, running to the North East.

I will keep you updated! and (hopefully) get pictures up soon - 

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