25 April 2013

First Week on board the MS Veendam

Hello Everyone!! 

So I need to apologize for my lack of blogging however I'll explain my situation here on the ship and I hope you'll understand. :) 

The first week I was supposed to be on board was going to be my training week with Techspert Ryan. However, the ship did not port in Punta Arenas, Chile and therefore I missed all my training! I ended up embarking the Veendam on April 11 and had a grand total of 1.5 days to train and learn an entirely new job. Not an easy task. There is only so much you can squeeze into your brain in that amount of time. 

Well, the time came for Ryan to leave and sadly, we said goodbye. I was feeling very positive and energetic about my first class until I discovered that my instructor computer decided to die 30 mins before class. OF COURSE !! lol... Naturally I improvised and stumbled my way through the session. Guests were extremely compassionate and friendly towards me, which I am eternally grateful for. 

After that first class I've been having a fantastic time teaching! However, there is more to this job than just teaching. The first week onboard a cruise ship is JAM packed with Trainings, Drills, Safety Demonstrations, Signing forms, Activating Accounts, Getting photos taken, Unpacking, ...and countless other things. So needless to say I was working around the clock to get everything done. 

I was able to snap a few photos from the ship, here is one from Peru. It was really foggy or hazy this day. 

Trujillo, Peru (View of the Desert from the Ship) 

Now I've come into a routine. I am now able to fit Gym-Time into my schedule everyday which makes me very happy :) and I finally got off the ship for the first time in Panama City. Lovely place.

I think this is enough for now. I have some more posts in mind for the future about King Neptune Ceremony, Sailing the Panama Canal, and the San Blas Islands. And of course some posts about the great friends I've made on board!! Never a dull moment on a Dam ship ;)  Stay tuned !

I Miss everyone so much and I'm very hopeful that now I can spend more time updating you all. Kisses! 

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